1. The Lessee hereby agrees and covenants that the Vehicle shall be used in a prudent and careful manner solely for the Lessee’s personal use within the Permitted Territory and to that extent shall be driven only by the Lessee, in strict compliance with the requirements of the Applicable Laws (the “ Permitted Use ”).  
  1. The Lessee further agrees and acknowledges that other than the Permitted Use, all other uses of the Vehicle including the usages listed below (by the Lessee and/or any other person(s) directly or indirectly acting through, authorised by or on behalf of the Lessee), are strictly prohibited (the “ Prohibited Use s”) and constitute a material breach of this Agreement:

  1. Commercial use for any purpose whatsoever including usage for transportation services (goods and/or passengers) involving hire and/or reward.
  2. For providing driving lessons.
  3. For sports, adventure and/or participation in races, rallies, other competitive events, endurance test and similar events.
  4. For towing, pushing, or propelling any trailer or any other vehicle.
  5. For commission of any crime, illegal and/or unlawful activity(ies).
  6. For storage of any combustible, noxious or hazardous goods or any other good(s) which owing to its weight and/or structure adversely affect and/or damage the Vehicles, its interior, engine and/or any of its parts thereto and/or any other vehicle(s), person(s)/object(s) in such vehicle and/or pedestrian(s) passing the Vehicle.
  7. Taking the Vehicle outside the Permitted Territory.
  8. Any use(s) or activity(ies) that puts the Vehicle at a greater risk of damage.
  9. Any use that contravenes the terms and conditions of this Agreement, terms of the insurance relating to the Vehicle and/or the requirements of all Applicable Laws.